From an early age, Melanie has been drawn into and inspired by music from many cultures and lineages. “It is difficult in some sense to say what a ‘favorite’ music is for me, because I respond to patterns in music more than styles, and many types of music drive these patterns.” Born in South America, and also living in the Dominican Republic when she was a girl, Melanie was exposed to Latin music and culture in the household and felt it was very natural despite the family’s American roots. “Part of my soul makeup feels Spanish and Spanish influences from around the world definitely infuse the work.”


Music, for me, is the closest thing to experiencing the essential nature of the cosmos, holding a pure magic that is endless in its expression and ephemeral in its manifestation… powerfully present in the moment, then gone, back into the silent void. It is truly a gift of the Universe and a joy to have as part of our human journey, to be able to express our souls and hearts and be understood by anyone, anywhere, at that level of being.
